Thursday, 12 March 2015

Watch "Grama don do' the show of the season.

'Grama Don Do' directed by fast rising Film and Theatre Director Austine Lordlaz,  is a satirical play which centers at two levels - The first is between a couple with different  backgrounds and cultural orientation and the other between two intellectuals with different academic background and exposure . Okoro, the central character is illiterate, but married to Queen, a school teacher. Andy is Okoro's brother, highly educated in philosophy but jobless. Every  character has an area of comparative strength, but instead of pulling forces together to overcome common challenges, they prefer to live in turbulence until the Landlord calls them to order and instills into them some words of wisdom. Between the hilarious dialogues and grammatical 'bombardments', the play communicates the need for people to synergize to realize optimum value from their relationships. The rendition blends the musical form with regular dialogue in diehard comedy that 'serves another tension-relieving pill to the audience' and helps them to unwind after the pressures of the day or season.

GRAMA DON DO is the command performance of the University of Calabar 28th Convocation and 40th anniversary showcase. Make out time to watch this hilarious, educative dramatic piece creatively knitted and given life to by the Director Austine Lordlaz. Date: Friday, 13th March 2015.venue: University of calabar Hotel, time ;5PM. No African time. dress for a cocktail.

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